I hate a girl, and that’s boring

I know how to read. Quite well actually, but occasionally I misread things. It happens on a daily basis, and it happened again today.

Twitter is a strange thing. This doesn’t really need to be explained to anyone: those who have twitter know what it is. Today, I saw a post that said “I hate a girl that’s boring”.

I read it as “I hate a girl, and that’s boring”, which you’ve probably figured out by now.

There is no real explainable reason as to why it appeared to me like that. Perhaps it was because I was busy catching up with a friend over coffee, or maybe because taking the time to hate someone is boring, and no one cares about it, especially the person projection the hate.

It takes a lot of time and effort to hate someone, and most things that require that much time and effort get boring, unless you’re getting paid to do it, and even still. Ever wonder how an athlete can get “burned out” playing a sport that pays them millions of dollars a year? Because that is all they’re doing, and that get’s boring.

Even still, I have instantly become obsessed with this phrase. Who hasn’t been in hate with someone so much that is boring to continue with the process? I know I have, which may by why it resonates so much.

The lesson here? Sometimes not being able to read can be worth it.


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