I’m only (not) sleeping

I do not sleep well. Lately, it has gotten pretty bad. This is essentially my thought process while trying to fall asleep.

10:30pm – get home from work, slightly buzzed (free whisky shooters!), going to watch a movie, have a few beers, hopefully become more sleepy

Midnight – movie over, tired, should sleep, but what about porn?

12:06 – okay, I should be able to sleep now, just let me get my iPod. Bob Dylan sounds good tonight

12:12 – love me some Bob Dylan, but only for three minutes at a time, which is a problem since his songs are so god damn long. Let’s switch to something else, side B of Mean Everything to Nothing.

12:45 – well that’s over, let’s listen to Tyler, the Creator rap about raping people

1:01 – my ears hurt and I want to roll onto my side but headphones are severely against that type of movement. Ditch the iPod, it is podcast time.

1:10 – remember that video of the white kid raping Burgers to Tyler? I NEED TO WATCH THAT RIGHT NOW

1:23 – found it

1:24 – okay, that wasn’t really worth it, but while I have my phone out I might as well see what twitter/instagram/tumblr is up to

1:34 – Shelby Fero is funnier than me. I still don’t get tumblr.


1:52 – podcast time now. For real.

1:53 – Greg Proops keeps talking about movies and baseball and stand up and I really need to get back on stage but I don’t think I want to but I’m going to lay here and thing of all the bits I used to tell seven months ago.

2:23 – podcast over. Time to finish the other podcast I fell asleep to last night.

2:46 – that one is over too. This pillow is uncomfortable. Maybe if I lay on my back and listen to Kanye West on my iPod I’ll fall asleep.

2:49 – Has any rapper lived longer off of one single verse than Nicki Minaj on Monster? I need to finish my OKCWGKTA post so I can relate to zero of my friends again.

3:03 – I am really bad at this. I should probably write about it.

3:12 – Well, my timeline caught up with me. Now what? Kanye is getting boring. Blues? No, not drunk enough, plus I forgot to put the beer in the fridge.

3:14 – Ugh, why won’t anyone retweet me? I thought my pizza tweet was pretty funny.

3:16 – thank God I don’t have internet access on my laptop right now. Maybe I’ll just play a few games of freecell

4:17 – the sun comes up really early now. I hate you, summer equinox.

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