This is a story of how bad Drew is at timing

I work two jobs. Partly because I’m a college kid who is horrible at budgeting money so I need as much as I can possibly get, and secondly because I decided to pursue a career that is difficult to get into and had to support myself through seven months of an unpaid internship before I actually got paid by the company of said career choice.

As you can probably imagine, working two jobs doesn’t leave a lot of free time, especinally when one of the jobs comprises of a lot of closing shifts and the other is producing baseball games that don’t start until 7 pm. Going out to the bar has not been a common occurrence in my life over the past few months.

Last weekend I finally found myself with a night off on a Saturday night, which also happened to be move in weekend for the surrounding colleges, which meant a lot of friends who were gone for the summer were back in town.

This meant drinking was going to happen, and as soon as I got off of work at 5pm I promptly went home and had four strong whiskey-ginger ales within the hour. This made me feel quite nice.

I then went to my friend’s house where they were playing beer darts and just drinking in general. This lead to a few (five) beers before we headed back to my apartment to get ready for the bar. While everyone was getting man-pretty, I continued drinking beer and whiskey all the way up until we got to the bar (yes, I brought a drink with me for the ride to the bar).

After we got to the bar, things get quite fuzzy. I remember being very excited that the Twins were on the west coast, meaning the beer special for Twins games – $2.50 pints – was going to last later into the night than usual. Shots were involved, of course, and I briefly remember a trip to Taco Bell and a random apartment party at a friend’s place.

The next thing I knew I woke up in my friend’s bed, didn’t have my phone or my keys, and was not at my apartment and recollection of the night before.

Finally got back home to my place only to find none of my friends remembered anything and the seven of us that were assembled sat around for 90 minutes because none of had a car and couldn’t find a way to get back to them without walking or calling a cab (we finally got a ride, don’t worry).

Fast forward to a week later.

I somehow found myself with another Saturday night off, but I was tired and just wanted to stay in and watch preseason football like a lame while the rest of my friends went to the bar. I ended up taking a nap and watching Finding Nemo. I am an exciting person.

My roommates finally got home around 11:30 and started telling me about his night at the bar. It involved the usual stories about girls being dumb about things and girls who are good at dancing.

Then came the interesting part.

Edgar – “Dude, Kya was at the bar with us tonight.”

Drew – “Who is Kya?”

Edgar – “Oh, she was with us tonight. She’s pretty cool…wait, you know her. We met her last weekend.”

Drew – “We did? I blacked out last weekend.”

Edgar – “Yeah dude, she’s pretty cute too. In fact, you’re the one who introduced us to her. You just walked up and said, ‘Hi, my name is Drew. What’s your name?’, and you just kept talking to her and her friends so I just walked away and left you alone.”

Drew – “Are you serious? Shit.”

Edgar – “Haha yeah. She’s pretty cute too. You were pretty smooth too. I just left you alone. I didn’t know you were blacked out.”

Drew – “God dammit.”

Edgar – “I accidentally touched her boob tonight.”

So to recap: last weekend Drew got very, very drunk on the one night a month he goes to the bar, met a cute girl and seemingly got along with her, forgot everything because he was too drunk, the next week he took a nap and watched preseason football while his friends went to the bar and hung out with the cute girl he met the previous weekend, and his roommate touched her boob (on accident).

Hi, my name is Drew, and timing has always been an issue for me.

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