
Hello, everyone. How are you? That’s good. Please, have a seat. No really I insist. This is just going to be more comfortable for me if you are sitting. Have you ever had a conversation with someone who is standing over top of you while you are sitting? Not the most ideal situation in the world. Thank you, sorry if you feel like I’m pressuring you. Let’s just move pass this.

Anyway, this is a blog (I hate that word) that is for me to post things about things that don’t really have anything to do with sports or music (there are other websites for that). Sometimes there will be posts specifically about music and sports, but they will come here because I am too self conscious about them or am afraid that no one will get them. That is right, I have self doubt issues. So do you. We all do. Don’t roll your eyes at me. DO NOT MAKE ME TURN THIS BLOG AROUND BECAUSE I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL DO IT!

Again, sorry. This has been a weird day. I haven’t had any coffee. That is an excuse that I am going to continue to use, even though it is not true, because it seems as thought that is the one excuse left in this world that people will actually accept. “Ohhhhh he hasn’t had his coffee yet. We better just leave him alone until tomorrow.”

I guess I just want you to read these things about things and enjoy them. Okay, you are free to go. I’m going to watch Mad Men now.

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